Request for help from Memphis Interfaith Housing Network
(Note: MIHN normally provides temporary emergency housing for homeless families, by asking houses of
worship to provide spaces for one week at a time.
Frequently churches set up temporary dividers in' a social hall or similar space.
MIHN provides most of the needed "housing" supplies, but the host organization recruits volunteers
to bring in meals and provide some company, security, supervision.)

Dec 13, 2011

Good Afternoon faithful friends of Memphis Interfaith Hospitality Network!

This email is being sent to a specific group of people, and you are included in this email because of the heart you have shown to folks in Memphis/Shelby County who are less fortunate than yourself.  Some of you received an email from me yesterday and some did not, so I am recapping our situation.

Our family emergency shelter is faced with a unique situation the first two weeks of January, 2012.  We don’t have a congregation to host our families either week.  However, Second Baptist Church has graciously agreed to house our families the first week in January.  We have “feelers” out to a couple of remaining housing possibilities to house our families the second week in January but nothing has been confirmed yet.  We are continuing to move forward in faith, knowing that God’s Holy Spirit will go before us to make right the way to provide housing for our network. 

That being said - we are seeking faithful and/or willing volunteers to help us host our families the first two weeks.  “Many hands make light the work!”  We need dinner/evening hosts, overnight hosts and weekend hosts.  No position is too time consuming – two or three hours out of your schedule can keep our guests sheltered during the first two weeks of January.  Additionally, we will need grocery items, toiletries and laundry supplies.  Further, we will need volunteers to help with the transfers – moving beds and luggage as needed.  The time is short to send out multiple emails and make a lot of phone calls asking folks to help out (I call these my “Do it for Jesus” calls! J) – so if you are moved by God’s Holy Spirit to help us host our families, please act on His prompting.  Don’t wait for someone else to do it, because odds are that He wants YOU to do it! (At least that’s been my experience… J)

We’re using VolunteerSpot (an online sign up and reminder tool) to schedule our upcoming hosting.  Please sign up to help -  here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:

2) Enter your email address. (No registration required!) Please note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone or send spam emails.  
3) Sign Up! 
Note:  If you have trouble accessing the site or prefer not to enter your email address – please email  and I can sign you up manually.

If you know of others who may be interested in volunteering, please forward this email to them as well.  I will provide a short training for those who have never volunteered before.

Many thanks to you in advance for volunteering to keep this program running 24/7/365.  I am already excited to experience the outpouring of love God has in store for our network, our families and each person who steps forward.  Don’t forget to sign up!!


With the very warmest regards,

Amy L. Barnes
Amy L. Barnes
Executive Director
Memphis Interfaith Hospitality Network
200 E. Parkway, N.
Memphis, TN  38112
(901) 452-6446